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Intervention Counselors for Addiction in Vermont

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Facts & Stats

Resources & Facts for Vermont Addiction Intervention

Even though Vermont has a relatively low number of substance abusers, the state has been one of the areas hit hardest by the opiate epidemic. With more than 55,000 people in the state with alcohol or drug problems, many of them have been put on opioid maintenance drugs that they are now stuck taking every day.

Despite there being a higher percentage of substance abusers who are able to enroll in treatment in Vermont (8,000), the number of residential beds are severely limited, leaving most people with only outpatient programs or having to go out of the state for an inpatient rehab center.

Many families in Vermont have a difficult time getting their loved one to agree to go to a residential treatment center, but working with an intervention specialist is a very successful route to take. If you would like personalized help, call us today to speak with an intervention and treatment counselor. You can also review the local resources and information here to make a more informed decision about how to help your loved one.

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