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Meet Our Team of Intervention Counselors

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A Team Who’s Experienced It First Hand

Unlike most intervention companies, Family First Intervention has a full staff, including several experienced professional interventionists. Our team comes from many different backgrounds, and together we have a firm grasp on how various forms of drug and alcohol abuse impact the family dynamic.

We believe that not every client will be a perfect match for each intervention counselor. Therefore, we do our homework early on to understand your family better and then assign you an intervention counselor whose strengths and background best relate to your family’s situation. Our intervention counselors operate in all 50 states, and our group has been going strong since 2008.

The leading staff members and intervention counselors who make up Family First Intervention are as follows:

Mike Loverde

President & Founder

Mike Loverde’s Personal Take

My training for helping families and those struggling with addiction started long before I realized it. I grew up in a family that ran on self-will and where making family decisions without professional guidance was the norm. That is what happened when addiction affected our family. The addiction tore the family apart, pitting members against one another until the family was broken. Almost at the point of no return, our family retained the services of an intervention professional, which changed our lives forever. It was that experience that led me to change my career path.

Upon graduating with a B.S. in Finance, I held positions at Ameritech (formerly Illinois Bell) and the accounting firm Arthur Andersen in Chicago. After our family intervention in the summer of 2005, I accepted a position at the intervention company that had stepped in to help my family. At the time, it was a small operation and within a couple of years, we became a 20-person staff helping thousands of people. I remain grateful for the services they provided me and my family and for the opportunity I was given. Believing that it was time to move on, I started Family First Intervention in the spring of 2009. Along with the lessons learned during this time and with the encouragement of my wife, I returned to school and earned an MS in Addiction Studies from Governors State University in University Park, Illinois. The combined knowledge from personal and professional experience has allowed me to expand my ability to help others.

I have learned over the years the importance of families receiving help and entering a recovery program of their own. I was always told a family had to wait for their loved one to want help or hit bottom. As I watched families wait, I realized how inside the box that approach is. It is equivalent to telling families they have no voice and must accept the situation for what it is. I have learned the best gift we can offer a family is closure, knowing they did everything they could to help themselves and their loved one battling addiction. You may not have control directly over the addiction, but you do have control over what you do about it.

Today, my wife and I remind ourselves how fortunate we are to have gone through what we did in our lives. We realize that the trials and tribulations occurred for a reason, that they allowed us to be better role models to our two daughters. We are thankful to be able to redirect and rewrite our family of origin script and to change that path for ourselves and our children. Providing them with a far different life emotionally would not have been possible had we not experienced the things we did that have brought us to where we are today.

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Lisa Loverde, CADC
CFO & Compliance Officer

Treatment, Insurance & Intervention Coordinator
Member, National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)
Member, Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)

I am a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) through the Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association. I earned an Associate’s degree in Addiction Science at Moraine Valley Community College, graduating in the top of my class. As a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the National Honor Society, I have committed my time and efforts to aiding the local community. My long-term goals include completing a Bachelor’s degree at Grand Canyon University, followed by a Master’s degree with an LCPC (Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor).

My passion is to educate, empower, and inspire families to implement the behavioral changes essential to breaking the cycle of addiction and codependency.

As a practicing para-professional in the field of Substance Abuse and Mental Health since 2007, I have specialized in family systems. I received expert training from the top intervention professionals in the nation.

I completed the Accelerated Program for Behavioral Health Professionals program at The Bridge to Recovery where I was trained in Family of Origin issues, Trauma, Co-dependency, Guilt, and Shame. #ItsNotMyShame!

An active member of Al-Anon and Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACA, formerly ACOA), I am also an advocate mentor for young women with Family of Origin issues struggling with eating disorders.

I was raised in a dysfunctional alcoholic environment of neglect. In the absence of adults, I became the primary caretaker in the home throughout my tender years. Forced to function as a mini-adult essentially robbed me of my childhood. As a result, I began self-medicating my very painful and different lifestyle with food. By age 22, I suffered from a dangerous eating disorder combination of Anorexia and occasional Bulimia. I received treatment at Hazelden and have been in remission ever since.

My story is typical of children raised in an alcoholic or dysfunctional environment. Addiction, when combined with a dysfunctional family system, is an illness where all members suffer directly or indirectly and, sadly, the dysfunction passes to the next generation if left untreated.

Today, I gratefully continue my journey of recovery and live transparently without shame, guilt, or regret. I believe we all have a choice, whether to harbor our pains and injustices from the past by nursing resentments or to seek help and begin the healing process. ALL family members can recover if they are honest with themselves, open to change, and willing to do the work.

I view my past experiences as a tremendous gift that transformed my life in ways unexpected beyond my wildest hopes or dreams. My healing process inspired a rewarding career path of significant purpose. However, I did not consciously choose it: it chose me through divine intervention.

“Suffering and joy teach us, if we allow them, how to make the leap of empathy, which transports us into the soul and heart of another person. In those transparent moments, we know other people’s joys and sorrows, and we care about their concerns as if they were our own.”

Adam Faulkner

Adam Faulkner is originally from Jeffersonville, Ohio, a small Midwestern town. After several years of active alcoholism and drug addiction, Adam found himself facing a 5th DUI charge and potentially looking at years in prison. As a result of his entire family’s commitment, he started his road to recovery in April 2017 with Family First Intervention, an effort initiated by his sister-in-law.

Following a successful intervention, Mr. Faulkner boarded a plane accompanied by the intervention specialist and took a flight to Phoenix where he entered detox and then an inpatient treatment program. As a result of the professional guidance received during the intervention planning process, Adam went on to graduate from a long-term treatment facility. While residing in a sober living home after graduation, he received notice that his 5th DUI case would be treated as his first offense, giving him the freedom to remain in Arizona and continue his recovery.

Adam Faulkner is actively involved in the recovery community and enjoys being of service as outlined in a 12-step program. He has a passion for assisting others throughout their journey in treatment as well as their transition back into society. Adam has worked in the field of recovery for 5 years, assisting families and clients in gaining insight about recovery, healthy communication, and boundaries. What once was a life filled with mind-altering substances, alcohol, chaos, and destruction has been transformed into a life full of hope, faith, gratitude, and growth. When Adam is not assisting others in seeking a solution in recovery, he spends time playing golf, visiting family, and connecting with friends.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”― Bernard M. Baruch

Jeff Lukas

Bio coming soon!

Regina Greene, MS, NLP
Director of S.A.F.E.® Family Recovery

Regina started her career as a volunteer crisis counselor, dealing with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Before returning to school at Grand Canyon University to train as an addiction counselor, her experience and education in early childhood studies at Wilmington Harbor College allowed her to work in social services with children and families as a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA).

Regina has been involved in the counseling field for well over 18 years, working both inpatient and outpatient in drug treatment centers and psychiatric facilities. Regina is a trained Neurolinguistics Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist with an educational background in trauma and addiction from Grand Canyon University. She is currently preparing a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Arizona.

Regina has worked primarily with individuals and families struggling with the co-morbidity of mental illness and addiction for the last 12 years, developing and facilitating psycho-educational recovery groups along with responsibility for continuing staff development and education.

Lydia Negron
S.A.F.E.® Family Recovery & Post Intervention Support

Born and bred in the sunshine state of Florida, Lydia has called Arizona home since 2010. With a wealth of experience in Behavioral Health and Hospice, she has been a guiding light for many, offering comfort and support to those navigating the heightened emotions surrounding addiction and mental health challenges, and also helping them navigate the labyrinth of grief. As a Board-Certified Music Therapist, Lydia has discovered the transformative power of music in healing. Whether leading therapeutic groups or offering one-on-one care, she harnesses her compassionate nature, experience, and knowledge to soothe souls and ignite hope. Currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling, Lydia’s dedication to understanding and helping runs deep.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Lydia finds joy and fulfillment in her roles as the mother of four grown children and caretaker to two entertaining black cats. With a green thumb and a creative spirit, she finds solace in the garden. Lydia channels her self-care through various artistic pursuits, from fiber arts to painting to strumming melodies on her guitar and crafting original songs. She seeks growth and learning to continue cultivating a legacy of compassion and resilience.

Meghan Gaydos, MA
S.A.F.E.® Family Recovery & Post Intervention Support

A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Meghan’s passion for learning has been a constant throughout her life.  After obtaining a Master’s Degree in Education from Cleveland State University in 2006, Meghan moved to Arizona and began her teaching career.  Working closely with Phoenix school districts, their communities, families, and students, Meghan gained an in-depth understanding of family dynamics, family roles, and maladaptive behaviors–especially addiction–as they are experienced in our communities today.

Addiction is a disease of isolation.  Recovery requires a life built around connection. A true sense of belonging and feeling ”part of” are essential to overcoming addiction.  It is crucial that families become educated on how each member contributes to the dysfunction of the family unit so that a life worth living can be restored.

Finally, an authentic connection to something greater than one’s self is what has grounded Meghan and steadied and strengthened her own personal recovery.  This, in addition to a connection with others, forms a design for living that really works!

Alaina Fountain
Intervention Coordinator

Alaina Fountain found her passion working with others in the field of substance use and mental disorder treatment. After experiencing addiction and mental disorder problems within her own family, she made it her mission to help others and let them know they are not alone. With four years of experience working directly with patients, Alaina continued to see how important family roles and support systems are for a patient to have a successful recovery. She also saw the overwhelming relapse rate, people coming back to treatment over and over as a direct result of families allowing their loved ones to return home. She saw the need for families to set boundaries and establish accountability for their loved ones. She now sees the results of treatment outcomes when families participate in their own recovery. That is what attracted her to Family First Intervention.

Alaina has chosen to assist the other side, the family, whose members often remain unhealed and unaddressed.

Alaina enjoys working out, fishing, and hiking with her dog, Ash.

Zacharie Petty
Intervention Coordinator

After years of working and performing unfulfilling duties with little purpose, I got honest with myself. I decided that I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. This came as a result of struggles within my own family and seeing the benefits of working with people who genuinely care. I’m happy to have found a home at Family First Intervention.

When not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, especially with my daughter who brings immense joy to my life. I listen to a wide range of music, love movies, enjoy travelling and exploring new places. I have a network of friends I’m so grateful for and 2 dogs who keep me busy.

Megan Torrez
Intervention Coordinator

My journey into the world of helping others is deeply rooted in a profound desire to effect meaningful change. This passion was ignited by personal experiences with mental health and substance abuse within my own family, revealing a critical need for comprehensive support that involves the entire family unit.

Beginning with a foundation in criminal justice education, I confronted the stark realities of substance abuse and recidivism rates among incarcerated individuals. Recognizing the direct correlation between substance abuse and incarceration, I saw an opportunity to apply my academic background and personal insights to drive effective change.

Over the past four years, I have immersed myself in various capacities within the behavioral health field, working closely with individuals facing substance abuse and mental health challenges. Today, I am grateful to be in a position where I can assist families in navigating their own paths towards recovery, providing guidance and support as they seek help for themselves and their loved ones.

My journey reflects a blend of empathy, academic rigor, and firsthand experience, all converging to empower me in making a positive impact in the lives of others.

Makayla Zubal
Administrative Assistant

Bio coming soon!