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Delaware Drug and Alcohol Intervention Counselors

Getting Started Intervention Guide Resources
Facts & Stats

Delaware Addiction Intervention Facts & Resources

Delaware has more than 25,000 people with drug problems and close to another 50,000 abusing or dependent on alcohol each year. The rates of use in the state have remained fairly steady, but too few people are finding their way into treatment programs.

Overall, just about 12,000 people in Delaware enroll in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program each year, leaving a major gap still between those who need help and the ones who actually receive it.

The most effective way to get people in Delaware into a rehab center is through the use of an intervention specialist. This is why we have set out to provide you with the most comprehensive list of intervention resources locally and throughout the country. Feel free to explore the site to review the service providers or call us to speak with a treatment and intervention counselor today for more information.

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